Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 7h - Keep the tens and the ace

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“Two cards,” you say quickly.

“Only one for me,” Lin says with a knowing smile on her face.

Claire takes another chance to show off her body as she deals out the new cards. “Like what you see?” she asks you.

You smile at Claire and then look at your new cards. “Not really,” you say, since neither card helps your hand. “A pair of tens.”

“I’ve got two pair,” Lin says gleefully. “That means I win!”

“Great job, Lin,” Claire says. “Time to see what he’s been hiding.”

“Watch carefully, Claire,” you say as you stand up, undo your pants and slide them down. Your briefs don’t do much to conceal the bulge that has formed inside. Claire looks openly at it, as if trying to judge your size. You even catch Lin stealing glances.

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