Start at 'Toxic Wear'; easy targets who don't know any better.

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You step into 'Toxic Wear' and immediatly roll your eyes. The speakers are blaring some faux rage metal, with pampered white boys screaming about how agonizing thier suburb lifestyle is. The place is suprisingly busy, it's usually slow even on weekends here, but there are a couple groups here and there. Immediately you start sorting out targets...

In one corner you see three teen girls chattering amongst themeselves excitedly, pawing over merchendise for the newest fad franchise, 'Night of the Living Love', a shitty book series written by a homeless woman about a girl who falls in love with a zombie. They're all young and stupid, giggling and arguing over which character they like best. If it weren't for this series they'd proably be over in 'American Princess' instead. However they're all probably dumb enough to make easy sacrifices...

Behind the counter is a goth chick, probably late highschool with bright pink hair, piercings, and about twenty or thirty pounds of extra fat. She's not paticularly attractive, but her low cut black tanktop shows off a big pair of pretty nice pale white tits that you wouldn't mind slapping around a little.

You almost miss the third girl, huddled over the 'voodoo' section, a series of racks filled with fake ass magic books claiming to have 'actual' magic spells and voodoo dolls and that kind of crap for dumb people. She has long stringy brown hair and a mess of freckles with mascara tears running down her face as she sniffles pathetically. She seems to be stocking up on the stupid magic books on 'punishing unfaithful lovers' and revenge crap. You don't have to watch much longer to see how this could be to your advantage...

So many choices...

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