Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:44, 13 July 2010 by The Hand (Talk | contribs)

Choose your character! You are?

TPM: Qui-Gon Jin (human) A wise powerful Jedi. Master to Obi-Wan, your penetrating gaze always sees what's beneath the surface...
TPM: Obi-Wan Kenobi (human) Young impulsive Jedi. Still green behind the ears, you react mostly on instinct and nerve.
TPM: Queen Padme Amidala (human) Teenage queen of the Planet Naboo. Often adorned with flowing robes and makeup, you sometimes disguise yourself as a hand servant to protect your identity.
TPM: Anakin Skywalker (human) Adorable ten-year-old slave on Tatooine. Race pods in your free time, unaware of your hidden destiny...
TPM: Jar-Jar Binks (gungan) Obnoxious, semi-retarded frog man of Naboo. Go for whatever you want without thought to consequence.
TPM: Darth Maul (Sith) Demonic Sith Apprentice hunting Amidala and her Jedi protectors. Without mercy.
TPM: Nute Gunray (Neimoidian) Corrupt businessman and leader of the Trade Federation. Slimy and without principles.
TPM: R2-D2 (droid) Astromech droid from the Queens starship. Feisty and unpredictable.
TPM: Shmi Skywalker (human) Mother of Anakin and slave on the planet Tatooine. Servile.

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The Phantom Menace

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