Offer Ben a handjob instead

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:56, 12 July 2010 by Fletcher Peninsula (Talk | contribs)
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“Aww I didn’t mean to upset you, I just don’t want to give you a blowjob. Your dick is too dirty. How does a handjob sound?” You say and jerk your hand in the air.

Ben grunts at you. You speak to him in the tone of an adult speaking to a child. He hates you for embarrassing him, but his cock is itching. His monkey brain demands release so he agrees.

Both you and Bens wife has the same big fat smile on your faces as you wrap your hand around Bens cock. You hold it by the base and then slowly stroke it upwards. A bit of precum oozes from the cockhead and Ben yelp in delight. The liquid works as lubrication along the shaft, helping you to jerk him off faster. The thick, wet meat rubs against your skin. It’s hard and long, although you’ve seen longer it’s a beast in its own right. The hot rod is wet from the precum and close to erupting. You keep him there, on the edge. Ben is panting from sexual joy right in his own shop, a customer could come in at any moment but his monkey brain dosent care.

Ben looks down on you, hopping to see your crystal clear blue eyes as you service his shaft. Instead you keep your eyes peeled on his wife and share smiles that are almost laughter’s with her. The handjob is very nonchalantly done, but Ben can’t resist, his monkey brain won’t let him. You tease him by saying.

“You realize I could be deep throating your cock right about now?”

Ben only mumbles some nonsense response. You have him on the edge, should you let him cum or should you just stop abruptly?

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