Approach the nearest man

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:15, 10 June 2010 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You approach a well-muscled man, stepping sexily, just like you've seen some of the women doing in here. You think he's looking at you, but when you get close, you see he's looking past you at your twin. She's not interested in him, though; she's calmly watching how you do.

"Hey!" You snap your fingers in front of him. "Why don't you look at me?"

He looks from your twin to you. "She's hot, and naked."

"Well I'm her twin," you say as you kiss him. "I could be naked, and fucking you."

"Uh...uh..." he mumbles. Suddenly you have his attention. "Can I fuck both of you together?"

You shake your head. "We're sisters. But maybe you can fuck my twin after me." It's not even a lie, since he'll be your twin.

"Okay... but no."

"Why not?" you ask as you put your hand down his pants, feeling his slightly damp cock growing.

"I've already spent my money on another whore."

"It's okay, I'm not one of the girls who work here. You can have me for free." His eyes light up and he kisses you. As he does, you feel an urge from your pussy.

Do you:

Health Very Horny & Female, with a purple-furred pussy Location:

The Dead Cat Club

MP 0
Level 1
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