He's a pervert; maybe the Cult has connections to him...

From Create Your Own Story

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He's not a tactful man, practically groping you with his eyes, which makes you wonder. Any kind of addiction, sexual, chemical, or sadistic your cult has stepped in to provide for the community...chances are this guy has done business of one kind or another with them.

You make the Dark Sign with your finger, and suddenly he sits up straight in his chair. He'd recognize it if he had dealings with the Cult.

"Y...your from the Order?" he whispers piggishly, with fear in his voice. "Is something wrong?"

"What connection do you have to the Order?"

"I get my porn from you guys, you know, the kind you can't sell in stores." You have an idea what kind he's talking about.

"I'm not here for fun I'm here on business; you see that girl over there?"

"Who Melanie?"

"Yes. She has uses for the Order, but first I have to prep her if you get my drift..."

His piggy eyes bulge, knowing exactly what you mean.

"Yes little man, you get the idea...today is your lucky day because you get to help."

He gulps, sweating even harder. "I...won't get in trouble will I?"

You smile. "No, the Order has it under control, nobody will even know what happens here today..."

His smile is so disgusting even you feel repulsed...which is of course perfect...

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