BOTHER!!! Get the hell up and think later

From Create Your Own Story

"Bother? The hell? What am I'm thinking here? These people are not joking. If they were then they wouldn't had wasted so much money on this stupid shit. These people are serious. These people will kill me! I don't have the luxury to be bothered,"

"I'm ready," you said as you stood to your feet with an emotionless expression on your face.

"Wow," said an armed guard in a shocked voice. He really didn't expect a frail looking thing such as you to act so boldly.

"Impressive expression" said the teacher in an impressed tone of voice. "However is that expression of yours the real deal or a fluke?" asked the teacher before snatching the armed guard's pistol from his hand and tossing it to you.

"What is this?" you asked out of confusion.

"Prove to me the sincerity of that face of yours. That girl behind you...shoot her" demanded the teacher with a sadistic smirk on his face.

"Is he serious?!!" you thought in disbelief. In response to this Rhonda Price, the girl sitting behind you, burst into tears and began to beg you to spare her life. Rhonda Price was no stranger to you. She was your girlfriend until she dumped you so that she could go out with that jerk of a football star, Aaron Shull. To make it worse she did so in front of ALL of your friends thus making the breakup not only painful, but embarrassing as well. You had heard that after Shull heard what she'd done he broke up with her, but that still didn't make you feel any better about it. In a matter of fact it made you feel worse for now you can't take your anger out on Shull...

"Prove it" demanded the teacher in a hiss. You stared at the pistol in within your hands before closing your eyes and looking back into your memories. You remembered all of the fun things Rhonda and you used to do together and all the laughs you've shared; however, you also remember how she remorselessly threw it all away for the point of saying she was going out with the school's star football player. You reopen your eyes, look ahead, and make your decision...

Do you:

Character: Zach Brach
Alive: 50 students
Hours Remaining: 72
Weapons Aquired: None
Friends: None
Kills: None... yet

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