Revisiting the Sneetches

From Create Your Own Story

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        • Note, this CYOA is adapted from the story of The Sneetches, originally written by Dr. Suess****

Now, the Star-Belly Sneetches

Had bellies with stars.

The Plain-Belly Sneetches

Had none upon thars.

Those stars weren't so big. They were really so small

You might think such a thing wouldn't matter at all.

But because they had stars all the Star-Belly Sneetches

Would brag, "We're the best kind of Sneetch on the beaches."

With their snoots in the air, they would sniff and they'd snort

"We'll have nothing to do with the Plain-Belly sort!"

And whenever they met some, when they were out walking,

They'd hike right on past them without even talking.

When the Star-Belly Sneetches had frankfurter roasts

Or picnics or parties or marshmallow toasts,

They never invited the Plain-Belly Sneetches.

They left them out cold, in the dark of the beaches.

They kept them away. Never let them come near.

And that's how they treated them year after year.

So the time has now come to make your own choice,

Great changes are coming, it's time to use your own voice.

Which Sneetch will you be in this time of great trial?

Don't think too much, just take a deep breath and smile...

then choose-

plain belly

star belly

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