WAS: Go find the mercenaries commander

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You leave Helena and Lyna in the tent and head off to find the mercenaries commander. After asking around a bit you find out that he resides in an ruined temple in the middle of the mercenaries encampment. Not a man who respects the gods you think.

The temple has been burned to the ground and you cannot even recognize what god it used to belong to. You step right in as even the doors are gone. Inside you find a great hall where masses most likely where held at one time. The room has been cleared and the only furniture that remains is an table in the middle. At the table two men are discussing something, one sitting down the other standing. Even from afar you can see that the man sitting down is an veteran warrior while the standing man is of an smaller frame, possibly a thief. You approach them and they stop talking.

The smaller man moves to the sides letting your attention fall to the man seated at the table. The first thing you notice is the hideous scar on his right cheek. It looks like if someone had cut his right cheek in two and then sewed the two pieces back together. You have to admit through it does give him some character. You can tell that he’s an southerner, his skin looks like those whose land have never seen the snow. He has black curly hair and a slight beard. He smiles at you, the other man seems a bit nervous but the veteran still smiles confidently.

After a while you think he’s trying to mess with your head or something but then he respectfully stretches out his hand. You shake his hand and listen to what he has to say.

“Well well this is the new guy then. The one who stood up to Acrom. Or so my spies tell me.” You quickly turn your head to acknowledge the spy, but he’s already gone. “Don’t mind him” he clears his throat before continuing. “Well was it you who stood up to Acrom? You should always ask the source to be sure.”

“Yes” You say simply, curious of where this is going. “Good, and you also have two female slaves correct?” This time you only nod in response. “Even better, you look like one of the few men in this camp who can stand up to the children of Hysta.”

“Where is this going?” You ask finally.

“Let’s take a walk, oh by the way I am called Kayumar”

It’s not a long walk as you stop just outside of the temple. You look around, noticing the crowded streets filled with mercenaries and prostitutes. A few drunkards lie on the ground and the remains of a few camp fires can be seen. Kayumars says. “I’m afraid they children of Hysta aren’t fair players. We are sellswords, we live on the plunder, that’s our only payment. Now I have reasons to believe that they will forbid us from partaking in the storming of the city and thus deny us the most valuable loot.”

You ask “Why, didn’t Hystardium allow the hiring of mercenaries to avoid unnecessary casualties in the first place? Storming an city is a risky business. There is bound to be heavy casualties.”

Enjoying your quick mind he turns to you and continues. “Yes that’s correct but they also have their honor. They don’t think that we are worthy of fighting on the front lines, they let us do the siege work instead. Boring stuff really. You are probably wondering where you fits into this so let me tell you. We need to send a message, a message telling them that we are honorable warriors. So I want you to challenge that baboon Acrom to a fight.”

“What does this imply really?” You ask.

“The children of Hysta have an dueling system. One man challenges another. Both men must wager two of their slaves. The rules are no weapons and naturally no groin shots. That’s why I need you to do this, you have two slaves and you’re the only one strong enough to take Acrom on in unarmed combat. If you’ll win then we will have proven to the children of Hysta that we are worthy warriors and you will be rewarded with the title elite mercenary commander. Of course if the fight should go in Acrom’s favor you could always give up. It’s not necessary for one to die in these duels.”

You listen patiently until Kayumars mentions the possibility of surrender. You shake your head and say coldly to his face “Death before dishonor.”

With your next words you give your answer.

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