Push random buttons until the plane starts moving

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:28, 5 April 2010 by James Bondage (Talk | contribs)
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"Dear journal, the engines of this plane are almost powered up. It's louder than anything I've ever heard, and that's including my bitch ex-girlfriend (heyo!). I think I'm in an F-16, or F-18, or something or other. Shouldn't matter, I mean like, how different can the two be? Besides, I am the shit at flying those AC-130s in Modern Warfare. Wait, that's a completely fucking different plane. Meh, I'll just wing this shit. Get it, journal, 'wing' it? Because I'm in a plane? Haha, I am so telling the internet that one as soon as I land somewhere that has it. Hey, sick, the engines sound like they're at maximum loudness. Let's do this shit! I'll write about my awesome takeoff as soon as I hit cruising altitude!"

You engage the throttle and the plane lurches forward. You clear the hanger, and attempt a hard turn right on the runway. However, your total and complete inexperience with flying planes leads you to make the fatal error of jerking on the controls too hard. The plane flips onto it's side, and skids to a halt. You can hear the engines explode, and you feel the fuel burning. There's a loud explosion as the ammunition for the plane's machine guns starts to catch fire. You're hanging in your seat upside down, and can feel the flames trying to get into the cockpit. Oh, you stupid bastard, why did you even try this?

But wait, you notice the ejection seat lever within reach! You can still save yourself from burning alive upside-down in this plane!

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