Continue swallowing it

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:17, 2 April 2010 by OminousFlare (Talk | contribs)
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You squeeze your nose and force the hideous thing down your throat. Suddenly, a hot spasm of pain explodes through your body.

You open your mouth and try to talk. Charmaine is staring at you, eyes wide with horror.

"Eeeeeep, eeep," you say.

She grabs the rest of the cheese and shoves it into her mouth. Immediately, her face turns grey.

And she seems to get bigger.

And bigger.

"Eeeeeep!" you scream.

Soon, you realize she isn't getting bigger and bigger.

You are getting smaller and smaller.

When you look at your hands, they aren't there anymore. Just claws, covered with grey hair. Same with your legs. They shrink, and end in sharp claws, too. Your cloths have vanished. Something is growing out of the bottom of your back.

When you look at Charmaine again, she isn't there.

"Here I am, Leng!" her voice says behind you.

You turn around and trip over your tail.

There is no sign of her. Just this grey rat!

Wrong! Two grey rats!

"Hello, Leng," one of them says.

It sounds like Kwan, but-

"Always thought you were a bit of a rat!" the other rat giggles.

"What h-h-happened?" you demand to know.

"You ate the cheese!" Kwan says, his whiskers twitching. "That's what I did when Chang locked me up!"

"But we're RATS!" you scream.

"Don't you see?" the Charmaine rat says. "Now that we're all rats, we can escape!"

"Chang will never find us!" the Kwan rat says.

"But neither will Mum and Dad!" you argue. "How can we tell them who we are?! We'll just sound like squeaking rats to them!"

"At least we'll get out of this house," Charmaine reminds you. "Once we're free, we can see a doctor or something."

"Oh no!" you groan. "How? Rats can't go and see doctors!"

Suddenly, your ears are standing. They have heard something. Footsteps. It must be Chang coming back!

"Quick," Kwan says. "I know the way out!"

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