
From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:38, 2 April 2010 by OminousFlare (Talk | contribs)
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One minute there is solid wood beneath your feet. The next, nothing. You drop like stones. Kwan dig his claws into your tee-shirt. You yell with pain. Charmaine is yelling, too. You seem to be falling forever, but only for a few seconds, really, until you tumbled headlong onto a slimy, lumpy thing that curls up around all of you.

You are choking on dust, gasping for breath. Whenever you move, the slimy thing underneath you moves, too. It stinks. A wet, greasy kind of stink.

Your eyes pop open. You have landed on a stack of filthy old mattresses. But worse than that... the damp, dirty mattresses are piled up inside a cage...

Big thick black bars imprison you, all the way up to the roof, which is sliding shut over you heads. And even worse than that...

You are back in that foul cellar, back at the mercy of Chang, who is going to make all of you wish that you have never been born.

You are caught, like rats in a trap.


That reminds you, where is Kwan?

You fumble around on the sticky mattress. He is all scrunched up in a ball. You touch his fur. His heart is pounding furious. He must have been even more scared than you are.

Someone pinches your arm. You roll over. It is Charmaine. She is pointing.

No wonder!

Chang is lurching across the cellar, waving his bony fist at you, evil triumph written all over his face.

"Now we shall we who is the smartest!" he gloat.

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