Tell the owner of the vineyard about the cargo

From Create Your Own Story

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At the edge of the vineyard stands the small but rather beautiful house of the owner. You know it is rude to knock at people's doors in the middle of the night, but you really have no choice. After a short wait, a balding man in his pajamas answers you. His eyes widen in surprise at the sight of your uniform.

"The RAF!" he exclaims in fairly good English. "Were you shot down by the Germans?"

"Listen," you say quickly, "I was carrying a cargo of guns and ammunitions for the Resistance, and I had to drop it in your vineyard. I'll come back for it later, but right now I have to hide it from the Germans. Can you help me?"

"Why, of course!" he says eagerly. "You were right to warn me. If my wife saw your cargo in the vineyard, she'd tell the Germans about it to avoid getting in trouble. We can hide your guns in my cellar."

It takes less than ten minutes for the two of you to carry the guns and ammunitions to the cellar. The Frenchman then urges you to leave and wishes you good luck. "My name is Martin," he adds. "Please remember it: you'll need it when you come back to get your cargo."

No choice now but to Take the road to the drop zone to meet with the Resistance.

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