Fire at the Soviets taking cover by the tank

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:57, 20 March 2010 by James Bondage (Talk | contribs)
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You train your scope on an Soviet reloading his rifle, killing him instead of the officer. It might be for the best, as he will spread the word of your actions, filling the Soviet ranks with fear and terror. Besides, it's not like you and your comrades will be anywhere near here when the Soviets come for their dead.

Noting that the officer had fled, the other Soviets break into a panic. One of them steps up and takes charge, suggesting that they rush the hill your allies are attacking from. Most of them nod their heads, and the men charge out from cover and bum rushed the hill, firing wildly. Your fellow mujaheddin had little difficultly defending the hill, and the Soviet charge was quickly squashed.

Most of the Soviet's were dead or bleeding out in the sand. You could only spot three living Soviets.

Next target;

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