Slink out the door and get the hell out of there

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:33, 18 March 2010 by Velantian (Talk | contribs)

Head down, you are hoping to get out of there as quickly as possible and in one piece. You don't even bother to pull up your pants as you attempt to shuffle past the Mrs Wolfman.

You have to pass within arms reach of her to get out the door. You hold your breath as you pass close to her. She does not seem to notice you. Her gaze never wavering from the poor whimpering wolf guy squirming on the floor in front of her. 'Click, Click, Click' her claws scratch deep gouges into the the finish of the floor.

Suddenly, so quick you barely see her move, she grabs your arm. Her grasp is firm, her claws barely pricking your skin.

"Where the hell do you think you're going" she growls.

"Um, well it looks like you two have some things to work out, and I umm, really shouldn't be here right now"

Her yellow eyes lock onto yours.

"You're what we have to work out" she says grinning an evil grin.

You shiver.

"Bert" she barks at her mate, "Who's alpha?"

"You are dear." he whispers.

"Damn right" she growls, "Who ALWAYS gets to go first?"

"You do." Bert whines.

"Damn right again, Good boy Bert"

Bert wags his tail, just a little.

She turns to you again, the fur of her muzzle tickles your cheek as she leans close to you and sticks her tongue in your ear.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Jeans (around ankles), Tank top, wet ear

Gender Female
Species Human
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