Sit up and welcome her for a threesome

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:00, 18 March 2010 by Velantian (Talk | contribs)

"Um, Hi" you gulp. "Care to join us?" you say in a small voice.

The wolf bitch crosses her arms over her ample chest. 'Click, Click, Click' she taps the claws of her left foot against the floor. A rumble begins deep within her chest as she curls her lip and growls. She flashes her huge canines in your direction.

"Hi, um dearest..." the wolf man whimpers.

"Don't" she barks, her huge white teeth snapping together with a loud 'Clack'.

You feel him shrink inside you, like a deflating balloon.

"Uh oh," you think to yourself, "This is not a healthy situation."

"Well, nice meeting you both I'm sure, but I really must be going." you say as you slowly slide out from under him.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Jeans, Tank top, more than a little fear

Gender Female
Species Human
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