Get dressed for a run around the park to clear your head

From Create Your Own Story

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It's midmorning, you pretty much have the park to yourself. The only others you see on the path are that old Percheron couple who trot there everyday, they may be old and slow but they can keep up a trot seemingly forever. You nod hello as you pass.

You run a few laps, the pain in your foot fades as you concentrate on your breathing. Your head stops throbbing. You snort a large glob of phlegm from your nostrils. Running is always a joy, running fixes everything.

"Hey Jadon" someone yells, directly behind you. You startle, wheel around and snort.

"Whoa, big boy"

It's Ginger, your sister Kayde's flatmate. You never did like that Palomino bitch. For some reason blonds give you the creeps, and they don't get any blonder than Ginger.

"Didn't mean to startle you" she says grinning, then she makes that giggle that you find so very annoying.

"Morning Ginger." you sigh. You turn and continue running. She stays behind you a little while then gallops up next to you.

"I could run behind you all day long" she flirts.

You just snort again and continue running.

"Saw Kayde this morning" she says.

"You see Kayde every morning Ginger, you're flatmates." you mumble.

She laughs, "No, I 'really' saw Kayde this morning" she giggles again.

You glance over at her, she is leering at you, you sigh again.

"What's that mean Ginger" you ask.

"Oh, nothing, but next time you see her, remind her that Ginger wants to borrow her toy. Ta for now" she says and gallops down the path, tail high, laughing.

"Nice ass, shame about the personality." you mumble to yourself.

 to be continued
Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Equine
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