TBE: Scream for help to the soldiers

From Create Your Own Story

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“Over here,” you scream. “He’s over here!”

“Stupid whore, slut, cunt,” the man curses and tries to shove you off his lap.

You grab onto his clothing and refuse to budge.

“Hurry,” you yell. “He’s getting away.”

“Form a line,” you hear someone call.

You’re not certain why they’re forming a line, when they should just come over and cuff this guy. A moment later you realize your mistake.

“Take aim,” the same voice commands. “Fire!”

“No, wait . . .” but it’s too late. A deafening roar of musket-fire drowns out your words. You don’t know it, but at least twenty .70-calibre bullets shred through the covering crates, and tear huge holes through both your body and the man’s. You jerk and spasm, falling to the ground, with blood pouring from what is left of your chest and stomach. The pain is incredible. It feels like your entire body is on fire. You try to look over at the man, and realize that one of your eyes has been destroyed. The man appears to be dead.

“Second line,” the voice commands, “Take aim. Fire!”

Another deafening roar reports as twenty more bullets reduce what is left of your body to bloody chunks of flesh.

So maybe you should have listened to the man after all.

Your adventure ends here, unless you want to go back and . . .

Health #100 Equipment:


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