TBE: Try to bite the hand

From Create Your Own Story

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You have teeth, good ones, and expensive too! You decide to put them to good use. You take a deep breath, open your mouth as wide as it will go and clamp down like a pit-bull on a red-headed step child. Nothing is going to break your grip unless they break your jaw.

“Gods damn you, whore,” the man whispers his anger. “You’ll kill us both.”

He keeps his hand over your mouth, and you keep biting harder and harder. His skin is rough and dirty in your mouth, and suddenly you taste the salty-warmth of his blood as your canines and molars do what they were meant to: chew flesh.

“Fucking cunt,” the man’s anger is harsh in your ear, but you can also hear his pain.

He tries to pull his hand away from your mouth, but you’ve bitten too hard. You have a good Dinty-Moore sized piece of his flesh caught firmly.

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