TBE: Ask the girl what she’s talking about

From Create Your Own Story

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“What the hell are you talking about?” you say.

Normally, you wouldn’t curse, but in the last five minutes, everything has gone crazy, and you’ve woken up in an insane asylum! Clearly, the both the girl and her grandmother are no less shocked by your outburst. The grandmother gasps, snaps out a folding-fan and begins to flutter it in front of her face. The girl puts a lace-gloved hand to her mouth, but you can see a small smile behind her fingers.

“Miss,” the man says, drawing your attention back to him with the single curt word. “You will not speak so informal before landed gentry.”

Landed gentry? You know what that means. It means upper-class. It means these are privileged people who have titles and lands, and who probably have indentured servants and maybe even serfs who work for them.

“Earl Wickney,” the young girl says. “I think it quite understandable given how your soldiers pushed her off the road and into a . . . ditch.”

She says the last word as if giving it voice would also dirty her clothes.

Earl Wickney takes a deep breath, and then lets it out, clearly regaining his patience. You look at him and see he’s wearing some kind of soldier’s costume, with a coat of blue and red, the long lapels pulled back by shiny, brass buttons. He has a similarly colored vest over a fine, white shirt, with ruffles poking out up to his neck. His pants only come down to his knees, and are buttoned along the right and left side. He wears strange looking books that rise up above his knee to half his thigh in the front, but only up to the top of his calf in the back. At his side he has a sword, a cavalry saber you think, on his left, and a fancy looking pistol on his right.

“Quite right, m’lady,” the earl says. He reaches into his vest pocket and pulls out a small leather bag with pull-strings. He opens the bag, pours something into his hand and fishes through it a moment before tossing an object to you.

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