Pokemon: Wait for the professor to return quietly playing with your thumbs.

From Create Your Own Story

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You have always been one to take things seriously so you stay put twiddling your thumbs for an age.



























Finally the professor returns after what seems like forever.

"Thanks for waiting" he says a little out of breath...seems like he has spent the whole time running around doing something. "Sorry it took so long...The fridge was out of berries so I had to go pick some more out back."

"Not a problem professor" you say halfheartedly for it was a long and boring wait.

"Well here you are" he says as he hands you a small bundle of items. "This" he explains pointing to a small green box. "is full of berries that will fill up your Pokemon's bellies and perk them up if they are hurt. And this" He continues gesturing towards a couple of bottles. "are potions. They heal a hurt or sick Pokemon. Depending on how old a Pokemon is and how much experience it has lower doses may not have much effect." He pause a moment to make sure you understand.

"I get it." you say picking up a bottle to examine it. Putting it back down you pick up something that looks like a mini pokeball.

"Good. Now those are empty pokeballs." Oak says noticing your slightly confused gaze. "You can catch weakened Pokemon with them."

"why are they so small?" you ask still looking over the little balls.

"They are compact so you can carry a lot of them in a small amount of space, may I see?" putting his hand out so you can place the ball in it he continues "You press the release button here and they get bigger see." Just as he says the ball grows to normal size. "You start out with five of them but don't worry you can always buy more from the store."

"Oh thank you but I really have to get going before dark." you say eager to get on the road. You gather up everything in your arms rather awkwardly.

"Wait" he calls as you make your way to the door "You forgot your bag and your pokedex!" he exclaims pulling out a green and tan bag along with a plastic red slate. "You didn't expect to carry all of that in your arms did you?" he asks laughing lightly at your stupidity.

"Oh yeah...thanks" you say blushing brightly.

"would you like me to explain how that works?" he asks as you snatch the items from his grasp.

"No no professor I really must be going..." you say stuffing your things quickly into your bag to find that it already contained a spare change of clothing and lots and lots of underwear......some creepy person must have put them there...or your mom...she was always worried about...things.

"Okay!" he says cheerfully as you open the door and scramble out. "be sure to thank your mother for those other items in your bag and have a wonderful adventure!" he calls after you as you run down the road headed for rout 1.

After a few moments of walking you find yourself at a cross road...one way allows you to head on a well warn path into the forest. The other heads of toward the next town.

You pick:

Health 100% Pokémon:


Level 5
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