Stay behind and read the note

From Create Your Own Story

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You read the note on the wall. It seems to explain the structured society of this ranch.

The Master is the ultimate ruler of everyone and everything. His word is the law; he decides who’s guilty and who’s innocent. Without him this paradise would not exist, you are all here to serve him.

The She-Wolf is the Masters most faithful servant. The Masters has, in his infinite wisdom appointed her to be the upholder of his laws. Everyone but the Master must thus follow her command. She is entitled to carry out punishment on the whores and the serfs. She-Wolf is not allowed to punish the Virgins as that may only the Master do, but she may bring a virgin to the master for punishment if that Virgin ignores her tasks.

The Virgins is the future of the Master. They have been blessed with the honor of carrying the Masters seed. The Virgins must of course as the name implies be virgins in every hole. The reason for this is that the mothers of the Master children must not be whores. The Masters children must be as pure as possible and thus the Virgins may only be used once in their life. The Virgins live in their private chambers. They must spend their time training their mind and body’s to perfection. Only when a Virgin reaches this state of perfection can she breed with the Master. After the child is born she must spend the rest of her life as a mother educating the child. All in the name of the Master.

The Whores life is one of bliss. Their only task is to serve the Virgins, She-Wolf and the Master. They may not be intellectual or have any sense of shame or private property. They must live in various groups. Each group has their garden in which they live. The whores only live for sex.

The Serfs are human but have no human value. They are outcast, those who have broken the Masters law. Thus they are reduced to mere animals. They must live with the horses and cows or be used as furniture or toilets.

This gives you a picture of how this place is run.

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