WAS: Attempt to make conversation

From Create Your Own Story

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“So, what business does bandits have with the royal delegation?”

The two of you circle, keeping a respectable distance from each other. The two of you are both students of the art of war. You do not know much about his skills but he knows about yours, you are a royal member of the seven mountains, a skilled opponent to any swordsman. As he does not respond you try again.

“Were are you from my friend? Somewhere to the south I guess judging by your scimitar. Maybe Saben or Ezra perhaps? Or did you just take that scimitar from a dead foe?

He’s not responding to anything you say. Although he wears a mask you can swear that he’s getting impatient. He wants you to attack him, he doesn’t want to be the aggressor. The time you spend circling one another tells you a lot about your enemy. His unwillingness to attach must mean that he’s primarily a counter striker and his scimitar means he prefers flurries than single power strikes. You continue to circle as you get ready for your next move.

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