-Open the door. Maybe it's santa clause

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 23:02, 5 October 2009 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You opened the door, and Carly had a bat in her hand. She wacked you in the head, almost knocking you out.

"AHHHHH" You screamed. You were bleeding a lot. She must've hit the right spot. It would only be minutes until you were dead. She dragged you across the floor into the bathroom. You tried to fight, but you were paralyzed from bloodloss. She picked your head up and shoved it in the toilet, and flushed. You almost died, but she wispered in your ear "Before you die, I'm gonna make you do something really nasty". What did she do?

-She shits in your mouth, and you have to eat it

-She makes you stick your tongue up her butthole, where she farts.

Okay. eww.

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