Victim: Kick his balls with your other foot

From Create Your Own Story

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You smash his balls with your delicate foot. He instantly grabs his balls and falls over. He starts crying. "That's right, stay the fuck out of my box!" You roar. The police drive by you. There are two cops, both around the same height and build. You can tell they've been friends for a long time, probably since high school. They walk over to the man and see he is knocked out cold. "Ma'am do you know how this happened? Did he try to rape you?" One asks you. The other is checking the vitals on the victim. Then they notice you are buck naked. They stop checking the body and check you out. They hand cuff the body and put in into the cop car. They just assume he took your clothes and tried to rape you. "Now miss, in order to help you must talk to us. Tell us what happened?" The same officer talks again. Do you:

Gender Female <- Equipment ->
Age 25 Nothing
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