Begin your new job

From Create Your Own Story

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" What were doing now is that were going to make you look like a peice of jelewry. First we'll paint you gold and then we'll put some beeds in some places. Now stand still." The woman explained. The man grabbed a brush and starts to paint you. His dick begins to erect and is poking you in the leg.

When he is done with you he grabbs some cheap fake gems from a bag. He puts glue on your boobs in a swirling pattern.

" Now I'm going to put these on your boobs. Don't shower or your fired. Now Just relaxe and it will be easy."

He begins to glue them on your boobs. Then he puts some glue souronding your vagina and you pussy and begins puting them on.

    " Shooting will begin tomorrow so don't be late." The man says.

You put on your clothes and take a bus home. On the bus everyone is staring at you. You get off head home. Your suprised that it's nine aclock now. You go to a mirror and see that your as gold as a gold coin. Including your vagina, your boobs and even your eyes.

Do you Go to bed or take a shower

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