You can pray

From Create Your Own Story

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The statue of Sigmar Heldenhammer, carved in a large block of dark granite, towers seven feet high in the center of the hall. The founder of the Empire firmly holds His famed hammer Ghal-Maraz high above His head, but is obviously much too small to smash the heathen city He is in.

You kneel in front of Him and start praying. You thank Him for saving you from the shipwreck, and you praise Him for being the only beacon of purity in a place rotten with corruption. You thank Him for leading you to His house and you praise Him for the hope and faith He inspired in the brave souls who built this temple.

As your prayer ends, you ask but one thing from Him: that He shows you the path to your forgotten past.

Then you wait.

If you were hoping for a divine intervention, you were sorely disappointed. Now you can either seek out the priest or go back to the Sartosa plaza.

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