The siege begins (Forest RE3)

From Create Your Own Story

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You aim down the scope of your rifle, and smirk. "Twelve of the bastards heading our way" you call to the other officers.

As the rotting corpses approached the barricade, someone shouted "FIRE, SHOOT THEM".

You fired and nailed one in between the eyes. Aiming, you shot anohter in the kneecap, causing it to trip and bring four more of them with him.

"Take this you son of a bitch" you shouted as you fire more and more ammuntion into them. All around you, you can see as your fellow officers fired with their machine guns, pistols and shotguns. Boy, they'er probably grateful to have you on their side.

Just when it seemed like your side was winning, more of them showed up...more then you could shoot fast enough. As your rifle began to run dry, you realized then and there that it wouldnt make a bit of differnce if you stayed to fight. They were going to over run you if you didnt move.

"But...can I really run, or should I stay to help out" you thought. Someone shouted to retreat, whilst others shouted to stay. Better choose quick, the zombies our coming.

Run for it (Forest RE3)

Stay and fight (Forest RE3)

Health 100% Equipment:

PSG-1 sniper rifle, M92F

MP 0
Level 1
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