Push the button

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 22:20, 31 May 2009 by Rawar (Talk | contribs)

You decide to chance it with the button.

You rush up to the machine and jam the button. Nothing happens, so you throw the switch. The generators hum louder, and their Jacob's ladders start to arc.

"No, you don't know what you're doing!" Nicholae yells.

You press the button.

Some of the dials explode and several of the apparatuses around the bear-croc start working. Chemicals are pumped into it, gasses released, and something else glows a suspicious red. The creature shudders as if it's been electrocuted, then everything stops as soon as it started.

Nicholae closes the distance between you. Your diversion seems not to have worked. Wait. The creatures' eyes open slowly, and it turns to look at you. It growls and strains against its restraints.

The doctor stops and looks at the creature. "No, you've woken it too early! What have you done?"

He brushes past you, ignoring you completely. He fiddles with the controls and dials as the creature strains against its restraints. You inch toward the door. You hear something snap. The creature roars, and you quicken to a run. You hear another snap. You turn. The creature is free, and its attention is focused on the doctor. As you reach the door, you hear Nicholae Kreuger scream. You bolt the door behind you, and you don't wait to find out what happened. You don't even go back to get your luggage. You leave the castle and head for the road. It takes you the rest of the afternoon, but you reach a town. You keep babbling to the townsfolk about monsters and mad scientists. The hospital you're admitted to puts it down to trauma from the car crash. After you return to the states, you're granted a month's sick leave to recover. You need it.


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