Hold it until breakfast is over

From Create Your Own Story

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The urge to go passes quickly and you decide to stay and finish breakfast. You continue chatting with Erin doing your best to answer questions generically until you have a better idea of who you actually are, and attempting to make most of the conversation about her.

As you finish up your pancakes you find that you are coming to like Erin. She's a very friendly girl. When she finishes her eggs you stand both stand up to clear your trays and to leave the dining hall, however you feel that something is wrong.

Erin looks over at you as you stand up and gasps, "Stacy! What happened? You're soaked"

Unfortunately, this draws the attention of just about everyone nearby directly to you. You look down at your pants and confirm that you had wet yourself sometime during the meal without even noticing it.

You look back up at Erin as the hall bursts into laughter. She quickly grabs your hand and leads you away from everyone.

"So those diapers of yours aren't just for the night? Why didn't you wear one then? Oh never mind. Let's get you home so you can clean up," she says as she leads you back into your dorm building. You pass a few groups of people as you walk. Most of them do double takes as you pass, a few of them pointing and laughing as you go past.

Erin takes you to your room and then turns to leave.

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