War of Nations/ Challenge The Fallen Captain to a duel between the two of you

From Create Your Own Story

< War of Nations
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You give The Fallen Captain a challenging glare. Both of you dismount as you draw your blades. The undead army forms a circle around the two of you as a duel ring. The other crusaders are escaping to the stronghold. You quickly switch to your bow, jump back, and fire a spiraling arrow at The Fallen Captain. The knights is hit, but he pulls the arrow out like it was nothing. You hear the undead around the two of you chanting. The Fallen Captain rushes at you with a deadly swing of his blade. You block it with your shield almost by instinct.

"You taught me well," You say to him as your blades clash in combat.

Your old commander becomes enraged at how easily you were able to match his strength. He begins to sacrifice part of his health and strength for magical power. His sword is glowing green, and it is requiring more and more of your strength to block. After the fight has dragged on for about five minutes you feel as though you're down to your last block. The Fallen Captain slams his enchanted blade against your shield shattering it. Your old commander falls over defeated by his pupil. You pick up his demonic enchanted sword. You are surprised that it does not drain your energy because it has already been conjured by its old master. You swing the blade accessing its magic which sends a wave of energy outwards. The energy wave slices the heads off of many undead fiends. You are surprised at your new-found power. You do not know the risks of mana yet so you aren't sure how you'll perform this fight agains the remaining undead. Remember, you are the only one left as your army has retreated.

Health 108 Equipment:

Demonic Sword, Bow, and Arrows x 39


MP 95
Level 3
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