Assist the police at the road block (Joseph RE3)

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You make your way to the police road block. It's an impressive sight (well at least you would have thought so earlier) with vehicles lined across the street in several lines. You walk past the U.B.C.S. soldiers and the police officers and walk straight up to police chief Irons who goes through the strategy again with a man who you think is the U.B.C.S. commander. They are standing at an small foldable table with a map over the area on it.

¨You finaly got your thumb out of your ass and decided to do something Irons?¨ you say in an casual tone to Irons.

¨Who the? Frost! What the hell are you doing here?¨ Irons says with his usual annoying tone which has bugged you since your first day at the R.P.D.

¨Well, I didn't have anything better to do so I decided that I might as well drop by and keep you from screwing up too much,¨ you say with an bitter smile.


¨Well, believe it or not, I don't give a shit! Me and the rest of the S.T.A.R.S...¨


¨SHUT UP! We told you about this almost two months ago and if we had acted then we wouldn't be here right now!¨

¨Well, what the hell did you expect me to believe? Walking corpses, monsters, a grand conspiracy involving one of the biggest corporations in the world and the city's number one benefactor!¨

¨You could have at least sent in some men to check it out!¨

¨Alright, that's enouch!¨ the U.B.C.S. commander shouts. ¨We got more pressing bussines at hand. The zombies will be here soon and if our reports are right they've got several BOWs with them.¨

¨He's right. We'll settle this later, Irons,¨ you say.

¨It will be my pleasure, Frost,¨ Irons coldly responds and walks away.

¨You two don't get along very well. Am I right?¨ the U.B.C.S. commander says after an while.

¨Heh, you think? He has always made it hard for me, since day one at the R.P.D, and now when I'm suspended and the whole city is tearing itself apart, I just don't give a shit and can finally tell him exactly what I think of him.¨

¨Sounds fair, I guess,¨ the commander says with an small smile ¨My name is lieutanant Mikhail Victor, I'm the commander of the U.B.C.S. tropps in this area.¨

¨Joseph Frost, ex-S.T.A.R.S member and renegade,¨ you say and shake hands with Mikhail.

¨So what exactly are you doing here, Joseph?¨

¨Like I said before, I got nothing better to do since the army has quarantined the city. Since there is no way out, I figured I can at least do something useful while I wait for a chance to get out of town.¨

¨Ah, I see. Well, it was nice meeting you Joseph, but now I must return to my duties.¨

¨Okay. See ya later, Mikhail,¨ you say and walk off.

You spend the next two hours doing a last check of your equipment and talking to old R.P.D collegues. Suddenly someone shouts ¨HERE THEY COME!!¨ and everyone rushes to their stations and there they are, the main horde of the zombies. The battle is on...

The siege begins (Joseph RE3)

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