Consequences of your actions, Tyler finds you first, M

From Create Your Own Story

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As you sit in the kitchen, the weight of guilt settling heavily on your shoulders, you run your trembling fingers through your hair, your mind replaying the events that just unfolded. The air in the room feels thick with regret, and the remnants of the potion's effects are a cruel reminder of the mistake that can never be undone.

Your attempts to eat something, anything, fail miserably. The food in front of you might as well be cardboard for all the appetite you have. Every bite feels like a lie, a betrayal of the trust you've shattered. The kitchen, once a place of shared laughter and camaraderie, now echoes with the haunting silence of remorse. Time seems to stretch endlessly as you're left alone with your thoughts, the minutes ticking by in slow agony. You wish you could rewind time, erase the actions that led to this moment, but reality remains stubbornly unyielding.

Eventually hours passed, Tylers shift coming to an end.

When Tyler enters the kitchen, her bright and cheerful demeanor clashes sharply with the heavy atmosphere that hangs in the air. She greets you with a warm smile, oblivious to the storm brewing inside you. "Hi cheerio! I didn't think you'd still be here." Her playful banter feels like a distant echo, a stark contrast to the turmoil within you.

You manage a weak smile, the weight of guilt making it difficult to meet Tyler's gaze. "Yeah, just lost track of time."

She seems unfazed, continuing the light-hearted conversation as though nothing has changed. The juxtaposition is almost surreal, the stark contrast between her innocence and the guilt you're grappling with. As Tyler talks, you find yourself nodding mechanically, your mind preoccupied with the guilt gnawing at your conscience. It's a struggle to maintain the façade of normalcy, the image of a person who hasn't just committed a grave mistake.

Then, as if struck by a sudden realization, Tyler gasps dramatically, her eyes widening. "Oh my god, it's bin day! Hurry up, slowpoke, we need to take the bins out!" Her carefree demeanor returns, the abrupt shift catching you off guard.

You're torn between the desire to confess, to unburden yourself from the weight of your actions, and the fear of shattering Tyler's perception of you. The guilt tightens its grip, and you force yourself to stand, following her with a heavy heart. The mundane task of taking out the bins becomes a surreal backdrop to the internal turmoil, a stark reminder that life goes on even when you've made irreversible mistakes.

As you step outside, the chill of the night air bites into your skin, but it pales in comparison to the coldness settling in your heart. The consequences of your actions linger, casting a long shadow over the once-familiar landscape of your relationships.

The bin path takes you passed a small gardened area, a beautifully scenic route if it wasn't littered with the discarded waste that came from messy bins. Tyler sprints ahead of you. The scenery around you fades into the background as your thoughts swirl with guilt and fear. You know that this is the last place anyone would expect to see you. Tyler stops abruptly, causing you to stumble as she turns to face you. She looks at you with a mischievous glint in her eye before darting towards a particularly dark corner of the garden. You follow hesitantly, feeling like a puppet being led by someone else's strings.But something about that corner makes your skin crawl. It's as if every bad decision and mistake you've ever made is trapped in that small space.

It's the last place anybody sees you. One witness says they saw you leaving your house alone, and that was as much information as the detectives on your missing case could find. Interviews with your roommates are plastered all over social media, their devastation at your disappearance eating them up inside. Tyler cries the hardest, swearing that if she'd only gone home an hour earlier, maybe you wouldn't have gone out all alone that night. She visits where she buried you sometimes to tell you how everyone is doing. A single flower the only thing to mark where you rest.

Bad End Collectable - #1 : Bagged and Gagged over Banging like a Dick

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