Time skip to the first Night, Ivory focused route, M

From Create Your Own Story

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Excited for the study session, or more accurately looking for an excuse to skip class, you quickly typed out a message to Tyler. Your thumbs danced across the screen as you texted her: "Won't make it to class, having a study session with a girl I haven't met before. You in?"

A gust of wind whipped around you, sending a shiver down your spine, as you walked back home. The autumn leaves swirled at your feet, painting the sidewalk with shades of red and gold. As you strolled through the familiar streets, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You pulled it out and read Tyler's response: "So down for a study session! 😄" But her next question caught you off guard. "Btw, how's Alex doing? You had class with him yeye??"

The mention of Alex sent a jolt through your heart, reminding you of why you were running away to begin with. Those noises. You couldn't erase them from your mind no matter how hard you tried. It was something you didn't want to share with Tyler, not over text, and possibly not ever.

"Alex is... fine, I guess," you replied hesitantly, leaving out the part about the strange sounds. You didn't want to burden her with that information, especially not before the study session.

"Okay, cool. See you later! ✌" she responded, and your lips curled into a small smile despite the lingering unease.

Upon reaching your doorstep, you unlocked the door and stepped inside, greeted by the comforting smell of home. You made your way upstairs, shedding your jacket and shoes along the way. Once you reached your bedroom, you succumbed to the weariness that had been building up throughout the day. Crawling under the covers, you tried to silence the thoughts whirling through your mind and find solace in sleep.

Wake up and head to the Library with Tyler

Wake up ... you don't feel like going, cancel the plans to go

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