Ignore the bottle, flirt with Nathan instead

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to take advantage of the opportunity and engage Nathan in a bit of playful banter. Ignoring the messy potion-making scene, you sidle up next to him and flash a teasing smile.

"You know, Nathan, I've always admired your dedication to potions. It's almost as impressive as your knack for getting under Johnson's skin," you say, trying to lighten the mood.

Nathan glances at you briefly, a small roll of his eyes . "I would have been one of Johnsons favourites if it wasn't for Alex. The only reason that Teacher hates me is because he doesn't know I'm the exact opposite of Al ... Except the time I dropped my lunch on his boots ... that - that was my fault. He took an interest me after that for a week or two" he replies, his attention returning to the ingredients in front of him as he tries to shake the memories.

Undeterred, you continue, "Speaking of interesting, do you have any secret potion-making techniques? You know, something they don't teach us in class?"

Nathan seems to swell with a pride you knew would make him more talkative, finally giving you more attention as he's given some positive affirmations "Oh, it's all about intuition, really. You have to feel the magic in the air, and connect with the ingredients. Well, I tend to memorize ingredients but that's just my method"

You playfully raise an eyebrow. "An art, you say? So, like a potion-making artist?"

Nathan smirks, realizing you're trying to get his attention. "Yeah, you could say that. Takes a certain finesse."

As he continues chopping ingredients, you lean in a bit closer, lowering your voice conspiratorially. "Maybe you could teach me your artsy ways sometime. I could use a private potions tutor."

Nathan's concentration wavers, and he glances at you with a deep blush. "Private tutoring, huh? I'm not sure I'm qualified for that."

"Oh, I'm sure you're more than qualified," you reply with a playful wink.

Focus on the the idea of Nathan giving you some private tutour sessions

Keep teasing him and see if he makes the first move

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