Nathan seems stressed, try and help him with the cutting, M

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Nathan, true to his nature, exhibited visible stress, a clear sign of his struggle with the task at hand. Control and certainty were his forte, making him occasionally bossy but undeniably endearing. Recognizing an opportunity to help, you decided to forgo Johnson's class and assist Nathan with his potion-making endeavors. Approaching him as he battled the elder root, you braced for his disapproving squint, a trademark Nathan expression.

"Skipping Johnson's class again?" he queried with a raised eyebrow.

"Alex said he'd cover for me, and I figured you needed more help than Johnson needed extra students," you explained, nodding towards the elder root on the cutting board.

Nathan, clearly vexed, threw his hands up in frustration. "I can't do it! I've been trying to figure out how to make a 'happiness' potion, but I keep messing it up!"

Although potions weren't your forte, the recipe seemed straightforward enough. He thrust a list of ingredients into your hand, and after a quick glance, you realized the challenge wasn't in complexity but precision. Half a diced elder root stirred into a pot of pre-made warmth, a few drops of sweat, simmer for half an hour, and serve with the recipient holding a lapis rock for good measure.

"That sounds easy enough," you assured him, discarding the misused elder root and starting afresh. "You finish the warmth, and I'll handle the elder root."

As Nathan followed your lead, stirring the pot and adding mysterious ingredients, you expertly cut and diced the elder root. Within ten minutes, the pot was simmering, and you were hunting for the collection of stones Tyler kept somewhere in the living area. With a timer set, you and Nathan could now relax.

Mid-search, Nathan, emerging from beneath a chair, thanked you for your assistance, though you felt you had barely made a dent in the task. Grateful for his gratitude, you struggled to stay upright while checking atop the bookshelf.

Eventually, your hand found something lumpy, and when you held it out, a grey, sharpish rock emerged. Nathan laughed, revealing an opal stone he had unearthed from behind a cushion. You showed him your pointy rock, and as the timer chimed, signaling the completion of your potion, you queried, "These will do, right?" Nathan, taking the pot off the heat, enthusiastically began bottling the shimmering red and orange liquid. The potion looked absolutely delectable, and the thought of tasting brewed happiness crossed your mind. Perhaps a small indulgence before Nathan took it to class wouldn't hurt.

Taste test the Happiness

Ignore the bottle, flirt with Nathan instead

See what else there is to do

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