Stayed at home

From Create Your Own Story

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You decide to skip school today, but going outside today is going too far, so you stay inside. You turn on the radio, trying to find a good song. After you find something, you start dancing in the living room. You hear a car horn honk outside and realize there might be people out on the street. You wonder how they'd react if they saw you. No one has ever seen you naked before, but you know boys at school are always talking about naked girls. Would they like you?

You feel a tingling between your legs as you walk over to the big, front window and pull open the curtains. Anyone from the street or sidewalk could look in and see you now. Trying to take your attention off the window, you go back to dancing, shaking your little, naked body around in full view of the window. You love the fact that your clothes don't hold you back. However, in all the fun, you notice that someone is approaching your front door. It is...

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