Corruption of Princesses/Tiana: Gallan hands her a glass and toast with her

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"Oh... I've.. never drank alcohol before." Tiana nervously says as Gallan pours two glasses and hands her one.

"Oh don't worry. I figured as much. It's pretty light as it is." he adds charmingly.

Tiana takes it out as to not insult him and clink with him before taking a sips of the drink. She finds the taste surprisingly sweet and drink it more. The liquid drips down her throat, leaving a warm feeling. Gallan smiles as she does, bringing his to her lips. Tiana dosn't notice his lips don't touch the liquid in the glass.

"This is... pretty good." Tiana says. As she glances around. Suddenly, her vision starts to get a little blurry and her step uneasy.

Gallan smiles before picking the glasses from her hand.

"Hmm.. I don't feel so..."

As Tiana looks towards Gallan, she sees his form shfiting into a strange shadow with voodoo symboles. His smiles turning into a wicked grin.

"Maybe it was a bit too strong for you after all..." his voice starts to echo and he picks her wrist to prevent her from falling as she loses consciousness.

"Don't worry little lass. Your trouble are only starting."

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