Corruption of Princesses/Tiana: She works the bar for the first day

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Gallan present her to the head of staff in the bar. She is given a uniform and shown around the place. She is shown the kitchen, the bar area and the locker rooms but she feels like they forgot to show her a good part of the establishement in the back.

She sighs and figure she'l find out sooner or later. She gets dressed in her new uniform and present herself for work. The head of staff is a quite strict as he gives her alot of things to remember at once before setting her to work. She does her boss. Her hardworking nature making her keep up with this new environnement.

She manages to keep her mistakes to a minimum and manages to handle her load of the task. She cleans, serves drinks and plates while taking orders. Nothing unusual there until she start walking the table. She finds that the customer here are much more touchy then her café. Alot of hand seems to rub on her as she passes by... It starts to bother her but seeing the other waitresses ignoring it, she decides to do the same. Over time, she notices alot of cusomers are shown to another part of the building but she shrugs and focus on her task.

After the day is done, she gets a light compliment from her new head of staff. She beams with pride with a smug smile.

"Allright that's enough for today. Gallan is in office. He told me to send you to him after you were done oh and put your uniform back in the laundry bag."

Tiana nods and does as she is told before heading back to Gallan's office. She knocks gently before Gallan summons her in.

"Oh and lock the door."

She gets in and lock the door behind her before stepping inside.

Gallan smiles at her. "So, I've heard good things today. Seems like it might be difficult not to hire you after all." Tiana smile hopefully.

"So, you will hire me ?"

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