Corruption of Princesses/Tiana: Head downtown for a job interview

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Tiana heads downtown at the adress her boss gave her. She takes the tram and reaches the downtown area and arrives in front of a popular bar. She gulp as she's never had to work in a place like this. Still, it must not be that different from a café. She heads inside and ask to see the owner.

She waits a while before a well-dressed man, tall in his 40 goes down to meet her. "Why hello there darling. What can I do for you ?"

"Oh hello. I am Tiana." She holds out her hand as she explains who sent her.

The man takes it and smiles. "I see. You must be very well recommended if that old goat sent you." he grins and Tiana chuckle nervously.

"Hrm... Let's go to my office to talk."

He motions Tiana to follows him as she does. He brings her over to a room on the second floor and present himself properly as Gallan Lecoeur. He then proceed to a rather standard interview. Asking her casual questions. Over the interview, she learns of how much the workers are paid and her eyes turns into cash signs. It's so much more then her work at the café... She needs to get this job. It seems to be going well too !

"Very impressive resume. Your quite confident in yourself. I'm sure you would do great here."

Tiana smile brightens before he follows.

"Unfortunately, I wasn't looking at hiring staff right this instant. But I promise to keep you in mind in the futur."

"Oh..." Tiana's mood darkens instantly and she sigh.

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