Furry World/Male Dragon-Rabbit/Have Cheval give you a ride (2)

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"So, what's your story?" you ask.

Cheval puts his hands on top of the steering wheel and scoots a little lower in his seat. "Glad you asked. Jenny and I've known each other off and on for years. We fell out of touch about the time she had you, but then when she and Barb decided to start up Mariposa, she rang me up and asked if I wanted to be their first male actor. Kind of an odd thing to wake up to, if you ask me."

You blink. "She just asked you if you wanted to become a porn star? Out of the blue?"

He chuckles. "Nah, not really out of the blue. See, she was there when my ex decided to break things off, and my ex said she thought I'd be an awesome porn star. I knew she meant it, too - she was a good and honest girl, and we had... um... a pretty active sex life." You nod, listening intently. "I'd been working in theatre that whole time, so when Sam told me that, I thought, 'y'know, maybe she's right about that.' So Jenny and I pen-pal'd for a little while, and she kept saying, 'Absolutely! You should think about it!' And, well, here we are."

You nod again. "So you act?"

The horse shakes his head. "Every once in a while. I'm kinda an older guy now. There aren't too many fans of older guys gettin' it on with younger girls. So for the most part, I just do the tech stuff. Y'know, like cameras and sound. I help direct, too, but for the most part all the actors here know how to direct themselves. I mean, it's a little awkward giving someone instructions on how to have sex, know what I mean?"

You laugh. "I get the point, yeah."

Your conversation continues for the rest of the trip. For the most part, it's just bantering about Barbara's sex life and stuff. But when you arrive at your house, before you get out, he says, "Hey, Ron."

You look at him. "What?"

Cheval says, "You remember Florence, right? The rabbit you were talking to before we took off?"

You nod. "Yeah?"

The horse smiles. "You might want to make sure you talk to her tomorrow. You really caught her attention tonight. I could see it in her eyes."

You rub the back of your head a little nervously. "Uh, okay. I'm glad I did?" You're not really sure how to respond to his comment. It reminds you of times when other kids at school would tell you some girl liked you, only for them to be setting you up for embarrassment. Still, you do remember that glance she gave as she walked out of the break room...

Cheval smiles knowingly. "Trust me. She's pretty shy with people she doesn't know. For her to invite you out to lunch like that is pretty out of character for her. Jump on it." He winks for emphasis, then nods toward your house. "Anyway, better let you get going. See ya tomorrow." You get out of the truck and wave, and he takes off down the street and around the corner.

Inside, your mom greets you at the door. "Hi Ronnie! How'd it go?"

You smile as you kick off your boots. "It went great! I got to meet Shelly and Florence, and then Cheval gave me a ride home."

The rabbit grins. "That sounds awesome! I'm glad you got a chance to talk to all of them. You're probably gonna be working with all of them soon. Soon as Barbara gets you some scripts."

You nod. "I'll be ready. Got a question for you, though."

She tilts her head. "Whazzat?"

"Cheval said you told him and Barbara that I was coming to the studio before we got there. Is that true?"

She nods. "Yep. As soon as you said you wanted to try it out, I texted them about it. Barbara was ready for you. I hope it wasn't too transparent."

You laugh a bit. "I didn't suspect anything. But I thought it was awfully quick when she gave me the offer." You remember the extra slip of paper in your pocket and pull it out. "And the bonus check!"

Your mom grins. "She had it all drawn up by the time we said hi to Lily. She pretty much knew you'd pass." She hugs you and adds, "Because you're my brilliant little boy."

You blush, but you feel proud. "Thanks, Mom." You think for a second, then grin. "I guess it's not every kid who can just go 'Mom, I wanna be a porn star, just like you!'."

The rabbit laughs out loud. "Hah! When you put it that way, yeah, there's all sorts of things wrong with that sentence, huh?"

You laugh together for a moment, then she says, "I'm so proud of you, Ron. You're gonna do great there. And if you've got any questions, I'm always there to help."

You nod. "Also, Cheval told me I should talk to Florence tomorrow."

You mom raises an eyebrow. "Wow, must be something going on there, if he's saying that. He knows all of us like the back of his hand. Florence always takes some time to warm up to new folks, so if he's telling you she's interested right now, that's pretty big. You definitely should track her down tomorrow."

You smile. "That's what he said, too. Guess I'll do that, then." You stretch out. "Meantime, I'm going to bed. Nite, Mom."

Later, tucked comfortably in your bed, you go back over the day's events. Meeting Barbara. Passing her challenge. Getting the job offer. Meeting Jill and Becky. Making out with Valerie. Meeting everyone. Cheval telling you about Florence.

For some reason, the bunny girl stands out in your mind. You hardly got a chance to say more than a few words, but she seems a bit mysterious to you. And Cheval thinks there's something about you that got her attention.

As you drift to sleep, you smile, deciding you're going to take her up on her offer to go to lunch tomorrow. And you think about what else might await you tomorrow. Your future is looking bright at Mariposa Studios.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit

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