Furry World/Female Rabbit/You introduce Ron to your studio (2)

From Create Your Own Story

From around the corner emerges a tall snow-leopardess. She has striking spots and a large, bushy tail, and even though you know how old she actually is, she still looks like she's in her absolute prime as an actress. She's wearing a bright yellow sun dress with a low-cut top that shows off her ample cleavage, and she's barefoot - something everyone takes for granted here in the studio. She smiles and holds out her arms as she approaches you for a hug. "Jenny! Welcome back! How was your vacation?"

You hug her back and say, "It was good! Got some time to relax and just let myself go for a little while. Ready to get back into it now, though!"

The snow leopard puts her hands on your shoulders. "Great! I've got a whole bunch of new projects lined up that I think you'll like. Why don't we look over them a little later, see which ones you want to do?" She turns her attention to Ron. "And who's this handsome fellow?"

You turn to face both your boss and your son. You notice that he's only a few inches taller than she is. "Barbara, I'd like you to meet my son, Ron. He's interested in auditioning."

Ron nervously puts up a hand. "Uh, hi Barbara."

Barbara smiles widely and, without thinking, takes Ron into a warm hug. "Ron! So good to meet you! Jenny's mentioned you once or twice before." Ron glances to you, not sure how to respond to a grown woman he's just met being so familiar with him already. You wink to him and mouth, "Go with it."

The leopard then steps back and looks him over in much the same way Lily just did. "And goodness, you're handsome, aren't you? Let me get a good look at you, boy!" She takes a closer look at what she can see of Ron's body, obviously already impressed by his stature, his build, the uniqueness of his fiery red fur against his purple scales. She pays particular attention to his butt, and to how impressive his package appears inside his jeans. "My, I can already see a lot of things you might be good in." She turns back to you. "I'm impressed, Jenny! I had no idea you'd raised such a hunk."

You chuckle. "It wasn't easy. But Ron's a good kid. I think he'd get along with everyone here."

Barbara nods again, then turns back to face Ron. Her expression quickly changes to a more serious one. "So, Ron, are you sure about this? Acting is hard work, whether it's porn or Shakespeare. You're going to have a lot of rehearsing to do." She gives you a quick, knowing glance, and you chuckle a bit, remembering what it was like to "rehearse" one of your more recent scenes with a new model. Hard work, yes, but not unpleasant in the slightest.

Ron's blush grows. "Well, uh, yeah, I mean. I know Mom does it... I, uh, guess it's kinda weird, my mom being here and all..."

Barbara laughs. "Not at all, Ronnie boy! You're not the first time someone's brought their kid in."

Ron nods again, still looking kinda bashful. "I suppose... but yeah, I'm interested in giving it a try..."

Barbara straightens herself out, switching quickly from her jovial laugh to a look of authority. "No, Ron, not 'I wanna give it a try'. Show me ACTION. Show me how much you want to FUCK me!"

You do your best to keep from bursting out laughing, glancing to Lily who is holding her breath to contain her laughter as well. You watch as Ron blushes harder and steps back just a bit. Barbara steps forward to match, leaning toward him with her eyes locked on his. "Show me what you can do with those big, strong hands of yours." She hefts her bosom for emphasis, taking another step toward him as he finds himself backed up against the wall. She closes the distance between them. "Come on! I need a big, BOLD man, right here, right now!"

Ron hesitates for just a moment longer, looking back to you for some sort of sign. You manage to silently mouth the words, "Go for it," back to him, still trying hard not to laugh, and you keep watching to see what he does.

The dragon-bunny hybrid looks back down at the snow leopard practically throwing herself upon him, and you see his demeanor suddenly change. He shoves aside his hesitation, wraps his arms around Barbara and pulls her to him, and leans down to engage her in a big, passionate kiss. She gives off a surprised "mmph!" at this but lets herself fall against his chest. His hands start to slide up and down her back, claws raking gently but firmly along the fabric of her dress, reaching down to grope her firm rump and touch at the base of her tail. She moans into the kiss and presses back encouragingly against those hands, wrapping her own arms around his neck to hold herself close.

Ron brings his hands up the woman's sides, letting them just touch the edges of her breasts through her dress before sliding up to her shoulders, then bringing them back down her front to press and squeeze them more directly. She gives him another moan and kisses him harder, and arches her back against him to press herself against the growing bulge in his pants. Encouraged, he brings his hands back to her shoulders and slides the straps of her dress down over them, pulling them down her arms. She lets him, wiggling just a little to allow the garment to slip down her back and chest a bit. Before long, he's pulled it down enough to expose her breasts, which now press against his chest, the dress only being held up by her elbows now.

Finally, Barbara pulls back from the kiss, looking straight into his eyes with a dreamy expression. "Oh, Ron. That's exactly what I was looking for. You're going to be a dream come true."

Ron grins down at the leopard, and without missing a beat, says, "If this is a dream, then I don't want to wake up."

"And scene!" You recognize the voice of Bill, one of the directors. He's an older horse that you've known almost as long as Barbara herself. Another genuinely nice guy. His interruption seems to have snapped Ron out of whatever trance he was in, making him look bewildered, like he just realized he was getting it on with your boss. But you and Lily cheer and clap for him, which helps him to relax.

Barbara pulls back from Ron, giving him quite the view of her chest now, before she pulls the straps of her dress back up over her shoulders. She turns to the new face on the scene. "Hi Bill. What did you think?"

Bill smiles. "Never seen him before. You got any acting experience, bud?" Ron shakes his head, still looking a little sheepish, not quite believing what he just did. Bill continues, "Well, for someone who's never acted before, you're a natural. That last line was pure gold. Could have been straight out of Casablanca." He walks up to your son and holds out his hand. "Name's Bill. Nice to meet ya."

Ron shakes the horse's hand. "Ron. Good to meet you too." He seems more at ease with this guy.

Barbara puts her arms around both Bill's and Ron's shoulders. "Well, then. Let's show our new star around the studio, shall we?" The three start toward the hall, and your boss glances back to you and winks.

You smile. You know that wink. Good things are in store for you.

Furry Status (you)
Health 100 Equipment:

Mom stuff

Gender Female
Species Rabbit

Furry Status (Ron)
Health 100 Equipment:

Man stuff

Gender Male
Species Dragon-Rabbit
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