D&D: FEB: Go to the stage to perform

From Create Your Own Story

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You walk to the stage confidently. It is wild out there and you wonder if you are gonna get any attention. You pick up one of your string instruments and begin to tune it before playing a few tempting notes. Some of the closest members of the crowd slow down and you smile a little.

You let out a few more timid notes out, before quickly building up to a rhythmic beat. You begin to sing a local ballad about heroes fighting undead and dragons. The room quickly joins in and begins to sing in tune, clapping their hands. Some even pick up makeshift instruments to accompany you. You punctuate the song with your dance. This room was wild but in a few moments everyone is dancing and pacing and singing alongside you. You step from the stage from table to table. You feel some people sneak a hand to touch you as you pass by but you don't mind. You wouldn't stroll around the room like so if you hated to touch and be touched.

The night goes on and people have a good time. You are asked for encore several time before finally stepping down the stage under intense clapping. You're a little saddened that you didn't get a lot of money out of this performance but you enjoyed it enough.

D&D: FEB: The innkeeper signal you over

D&D: FEB: You approach a young man with black hair You've noticed this young man during the dancing. He wasn't moved by your performance but he seemed to have listened. His robes marks him as a practitioner of the arcane of some sort. You've always had a thing for young and dashing magicians.

D&D: FEB: A tall blond woman in armor approaches you You've spotted this woman during the dancing. She is tall with long braided blond hair. She is built like an amazon and has been drinking with several other warriors that looked like mercenaries from the north.

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