Peek inside the large knothole

From Create Your Own Story

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You climb up the tree to the knothole half the size of your face. When you get to it, you see it’s more like a scar, where the wood was forced out by something sharp and strong. You peer inside to find it leads to empty space, without a floor: either it’s a big space or the tree is hollow.

You don’t have to peek long be for you briefly see something scurry against the other side of the tree, but it’s so dark in there and it moved so fast you couldn’t tell what it was. You stare at nothing for a long time because that’s all you see, until a clawed, muscular hand crashes through the tree and wraps around your face. You only have a few seconds to register before the hand pulls you back into the tree, smashing through the bark and forcing the knothole larger.

Enough light is coming through now for you to see what it is: it’s a tall, muscular woman, with pale as snow skin, flowing red hair, fiery red eyes, and a wide, malicious grin with a fearsome set of fangs. This woman is not just strong, she’s also a vampire. You didn’t think you’d actually get to see one in this time.

“Privet, little one,” she hisses through her sharp teeth, letting her Russian accent show. “What are you doing in our little home, so far from yours and all alone?”

You stare at her with wide eyes and struggle to break her grasp, not that it does much: you doubt such a body could break such a woman’s grip even if she didn’t have supernatural strength.

“A fighter? I always did like a struggle.”

With that, she leaps off the wall and falls down into deeper into the tunnel of the hollow tree, holding you the entire time. When she lands, you can only slightly make out an empty cave and the sound of water. You soon see another vampire, this one a lean and handsome man with a military haircut, step out of the shadows.

“Hey Anna, what’s with the goddamn light show up top? And who’s this little morsel?”

He speaks the last part with hunger and lust. The woman drops you and your gaze jumps between them as you try to make out what they’ll do.

“This little whore was waiting outside our tree, I don’t know what for. Than she climbed up and looked into that scar you made to show off, which I told you would draw attention, but did you listen to me? Noooooo!”

“It was not showing off, it was marking our territory! And besides, your yanking her through it has created an even bigger hole, that will draw more attention, let in more light, draw others to the tree, let in more light, let ruin the ascetic of the tree, and did I mention all the light?"

“You are such bitch!” she scolds in imperfect English.

“And you’re the other kind of bitch!”

You get the sense they argue like this often.

“Enough, time to decide what to do with our guest.”

They turn and look at you with seductive grins of malice and the man asks, “You wouldn’t happen to have any suggestions?”

You are possessing:
11th Grade Emo Girl
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