PN/Uncover yourself and tell them everything

From Create Your Own Story

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You stare directly into Brian's phone as you pull the towel off you, revealing everything to the camera. Your face feels hot with shame and your pussy feels hot with arousal as you know that Brian now has proof of this adventure that he could show to anyone at school. Your mind is screaming for you to cover up, but you know you'd regret it if you did. You haven't come this far to stop now.

"My name is Claire Anderson and I am a sophomore at Abraham Lincoln Middle School in Chicago, IL. I am nude at a public pool surrounded by strangers because I want to be. I left the house this morning naked hoping to be seen by people, but this is more than I ever imagined. You can reach out to me if you want, my Snapchat is ******* and my Instagram is *******. This is the fantasy I've always been to scared to do. I hope you like my body, I want everyone to see it."

Some of the crowd starts cheering and talking:

"Yeah Claire, you're so brave!"

"Wow, I am definitely putting this on Snapchat."

"I found her insta, she seems like such a normal girl! Who would've guessed she was such a slut!"

"I just texted some people I know from Lincoln Middle School that their classmate is naked at the public pool!"

Your chest is pounding as you realize you're past the point of no return. No matter what you do from here, your naked body will forever be a part of your online identity. Anyone you ever meet can see you being a slut in public if they just google your name. What should you do now?

You could just keep sitting there with your body exposed, chatting with the crowd. You could give into the urge you've been fighting and give yourself the relief you desire. Or you could burn the last bridge of privacy you may have, give Brian your phone and tell him to go live on your Instagram while recording you.

Chat with the crowd

Give into your arousal

Give Brian your phone

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