Her big fat butt gets stuck

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 07:34, 24 June 2021 by LaboMan798 (Talk | contribs)
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  • THUMP!*

Amy’s heart sank as she realized what had just happened.

Her butt had gotten stuck in the doggie door. It was now on full display to anyone who happened to walk by.

Amy panicked, trying to think of what she could do right now. She tried to back out to get back outside, but her butt had gotten wedged in the door. She was stuck. Amy then tried with all her energy to push forward to squeeze her butt through the door. She strained and tried her absolute best to get it through when suddenly…

  • toot!*

Amy’s face went red with embarrassment. She had accidentally farted trying to get through the door. She realized she had just made a sound that could’ve potentially alerted anyone walking by. She crossed her fingers that nobody heard it and continued trying to squeeze her large butt through the door.

Unfortunately for Amy, a certain two-tailed fox with rather sensitive hearing was walking by Amy’s house when his ears managed to pick up that faint fart. He turned his head to find the source of the noise, and he was greeted by a pink pair of cheeks sticking out the doggie door of his friend Amy’s house. Tails was filled with shock. He had no idea Amy had such a large butt. He quietly snuck up onto her porch, where he got a better view at the pink hedgehog’s exposed ass. He whipped out his phone and snapped a photo of it with a malicious grin on his face as he viewed it. After taking like 12-27 photos, he put his phone away and made his presence to Amy known.

“Uhhhh Amy, did I catch you at a bad time?”

“Amy’s heart sank even further after hearing the voice of the fox.

“T-tails!?!?! What are you doing here???”

“I should be the one asking you that. Why are you naked, and why are you sticking your butt out the doggie door?”

Amy’s face turned even more red. “Tails, please listen. I got stuck out here naked after taking a shower. I need help getting back inside. I tried climbing through the door but, I got stuck. Tails, can you please help me out here?”

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