D&D: Decide to go down the road to waterdeep

From Create Your Own Story

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You start strolling along the road to Waterdeep. You walk beside the road for some reasons, staying with the natural ground as you still look at the road. It is so... strange and unnatural that you feel better on the loose grass beside it. You start seeing the tips of Waterdeep, the top of the big constructions and the wall that surrounds the city. You are still amazed at the size of human constructions... and like all druids you look at it with a little unease. The humans can be build great things all right. But they never know when to stop and hardly see what they destroy when they craft such gigantic monument. Something usually pay the price of such endeavors. As you continue your approach, you feel the sun slowly setting in the distance.

As you walk, your elven ears twitches as you hear the sound of steps down the road. A caravan slowly makes it's way towards you. It's slow moving carts are pulled by two workhorse each. 2 cavalier on each side escort the slow moving wagons. You count about 4 wagon before you get tired of counting them. You feel a little bad for the horses but you know this is the way of the city. You walk by them. At first, it doesn't look like they are interested in you. They just seems to be heading the way you left. Then you realize some of them started eyeing you. As you turn your attention to them, you realize most of them have their eyes sets on you and avert their gaze whenever you look at them.

There is no such thing as prudeness among druids. And as a druid, you haven't much in terms of clothing. This has left your small but curvy breasts exposed to the fresh air. Not only that but your loin-cloth consists of a thin strands that looks like rustic jewels, almost like a necklace. It doesn't leave much to imagination.

This unease isn't unfamiliar to you. Most civilized folks do that when you meet them along the roads.

D&D: Continue on your way

D&D: The caravan stop to talk to you

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