D&D : Are woken up by the other adventurers.

From Create Your Own Story

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The next morning, you are woken up early by the others. Embarrassed at sleeping in longer than them you hurriedly get ready. They rogue hands you a pot, a spoon and some raw food. "Can you go make dinner for us? I'm tired of eating the crap Grumpy throws together."

'Grumpy' is what they call the dwarf, you remember. The leader is called 'Blackhand', or 'Black' for short. The ranger goes by 'Snakeye' and the cleric calls himself 'Julianus' though everyone calls him 'Jul'. Finally, the gnome seems to not mind being called 'Bungle'.

"Of course," You happily agree, thinking you can at least make yourself useful somehow since you've cooked before often enough. You're no master cook or anything, but travelers often praise your food. Sometimes they even give you some delicious cookies in thanks.

Quickly and efficiently, you prepare breakfast. Nothing overly fancy, but decent enough. By the time you get back to the others with it, they managed to get grumpy up as well. He looks disgruntled but perks up at the sight and smell of food. The men hoot and cheer as they eat, apparently grumpy's cooking skills are pretty bad if they enjoy your food this much.

After dinner, everyone gets ready to move out and Blackhand briefs everyone on the next mission, assisted by the cleric Jul.

A quest for a lost treasure in some abandoned ruins nearby.

A quest for an item of power in a dungeon some ways away.

A quest to slay an orc chieftain terrorizing the border villages.

A quest to gather rare ingredients for an alchemist to concoct a cure for a lord's son.

A quest to save a nearby village from an Undead problem.

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