D&D: F-HES Look at some possible avenue of income

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You're feeling a bit greedy on top of being needy. You're pretty sure you could make a few coin by sharing your bed tonigh. Now it's just a matter of finding out with whom. The innkeeper has been eyeing your chest non-stop since you came in. Other then the waitresses, there isn't many woman in the room. You're pretty sure he would give you a little sum and stay the night for free if you spread your legs for him and spend the night against your warm body.

Then again a few patrons looks lonely enough to lighten their purse for some cuddling. There's a drunken dwarf in a corner, drinking ales. You're pretty sure he would love nothing more then to hammer you repeatedly all night long. Then there's three guards at a table. You stand to make a decent sum for letting them empty their "mugs" on and inside of you... You shiver at the thought

What is it going to be ?

D&D: F-HES The innkeeper

D&D: F-HES The drunken dwarf

D&D: F-HES The three guards

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