D&D: F-HES The group goes ruin-raiding

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Even with little funds, the group decides to try their luck with the ruins. By taking a quick stop at the market district, the four of you acquires a map and enough supplies to makes the trip there and back to Waterdeep. Fully equipped for the journey ahead, the sisterhood departs the safety of Waterdeep and head into the eastern forest, guided by the silky Syllin. The elf seems even more joyful that we have entered a forested area. Elves are truly at ease in natures and you feel that half of yourself sometime calling to you. This time you listen, maybe because of Syllin. You are quickly joining the elven guide ahead in frivolous jogs and dash throughout the trees and bushes, leaving behind the two humans sister to talk and ponder at this excess in primordial fun. It's something buried deeply inside you.

On the way there you encounter a lake, you stop by to replenish your water before going back on track to your mission. It doesn't take long and at the end of the day, you get in sight of the ruin-site. Without your guides you would have never found it. Sadly though, the place looks occupied. A little band of soldiers wearing the Hawkwinter sigils are patrolling the area.

The four of you take point in a hidden area to decide on what approach to take.

"Alright, there's probably too much in there for us to handle in a fight. So I see two options A, two of us makes some kind of distractions at the entrance while the other two head inside to retrieve whatever is valuable. Option B, we approach and simply ask to be part of the scavenge. Though if no one is here to take some decisions, the guards are most likely to send us on our way and be wary of us afterward. What do you guys think ?" Ellen explains the plans.

"Well in term of bad ideas, this ain't so bad." Syllin said.

"Unless we take them out silently one by one. But subtlety is not really our assets." Merela add her thought.

Which plan do you use?

D&D: F-HES Distract and infiltrate the Hawkwinter soldiers

D&D: F-HES Negotiate with the Hawkwinter for a share of the ruin's treasures

D&D: F-HES Propose to turn the group invisible and plunder the ruins unnoticed

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